Communication for Development

Integrating communication and engagement is important for success in global development programs. Development partners need to distil the most relevant and actionable evidence from a wealth of data and use that information to design and implement evidence-based policies. With in-house communications and creative teams, HACOF has the capability to effectively strategize, execute, and evaluate targeted communications campaigns. Our expertise in key policy domains enables us to convey purposeful messaging across diverse cultures employing the full range of channels and tools. Whether print media, word-of-mouth, or digital interactive technology is the right option for a given target audience, HACOF can mobilize its in-house creative team and regional network of partners to produce effective development communications. Expectations for communications—especially on-line and social media tools—are constantly evolving and we can work with clients to address more interactivity, a multilanguage user experience, mobile responsiveness, and compliance issues. We help clients implement communications activities to build awareness and change social behavior in different sectors and thematic areas. Even more importantly, we help clients monitor communications campaigns to measure their effectiveness and make adjustments. Our subject-matter and communications experts bring understanding of what works in different countries, regions and culture.